Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Why I Hate the Gym

No, i do not hate the gym for the normal reason people do. I actually enjoy going to the gym, shocker i know. I just hate going by myself....but the real reason i hate the because they don't adjust low enough so my legs reach anything. Ha ha ha i know, it's really funny. not. But i ran on the tredmill for like twenty minutes, which was great because there is no adjusting on the tredmill. Then i decided to migrate to the bike. Now try to imagine this if you can: me, trying to do the bike with the seat to high. Now don't get me wrong, i did try to adjust the seat lower. Nope, it didn't go any lower, thanks for asking. So here i am riding the bike and my knees keep popping all crazy like i have a twitch because my feet fall off the pedals when they reach the very bottom. I don't know what was worse, the fact that i looked like an idiot, or the fact that i just kept trying for ten minutes. I am just eternally grateful that i had my earphones in and Skillet blasting or else i'm sure i would die of shame from hearing everyone else scoff. Ug. the life of the almost legal midget.

I'm now officially addicted to I've tried it before, but never really got into the groove, but lately, i definately love it. In fact hold on one second while i call my dad to see if he's heard of it....nevermind he's not home. But there are a couple artists that i found on there that i L-O-V-E, namely:

-Missy Higgins: Where I Stood
-Courtney Jaye: Somersault
-Brooke Fraser: Arithmitic
-Holly Brook: Heavy
-Marie Digby: Miss Invisible
-Brie Larsen: Hope Has Wings
-Julie Moffitt: Try

CHECK THEM OUT!! Seriously lyns...cause i know your probably the only one that will...they are seriously awesome. But pandora, seriously great place. It's like you type in an artist or song and they will play all these songs that are the same genre and style and vocal style as that artist. So So good.

So here's another thing i hate. Blow Drying you hair when you don't have to. Doesn't it seem like it takes SOOOOO much longer when you don't have to be somewhere. I just got in the shower because i just got out of the gym, but now i don't want to blow dry my hair because i don't have to go anywhere but bed. But i know that if i don't blowdry it now, tomorrow it will look like i put my finger in an outlet, so i will regret it. But i don't enjoy it. So hold on a sec while i do what i don't want to do....

Alright, i'm all dry and whatever now. So here's my vent about laundry at college. It sucks. I hate having to PAY $1.75 to wash one load of laundy. What a ridiculous thing. ha ha i'm kinda annoying today. All i've been doing is complaining. So onto a happy subject.

I'm going home this weekend!!! I don't know about anyone else, but i'm super stoked for general conference. Especially because it's so much fun at my house. We buy a butt-load of junk food and just veg in our pj's for two whole days. Pure bliss. Plus, general conference is when my dad gets a little....crazy i guess. He plays dinosaurs with his fingers and junks like that. Let me tell you, purely entertaining. Plus, its general conference. Whats not to love?

Alrighty then, bye for now.


kdunford said...

I love you sooo much. Thanks for making me laugh for like 20 minutes!!!

Mike and Noel said...

i love pandora. the songs on you stataion are like the ones on mine. its amazing

Lynsie said...

Jay LOVES Pandora! I have never personally tried it but I am straight off to work where I will promptly download it so I can have pure listening bliss while I slave all day for the man.....Steve....I love Brooke Fraser but haven't heard of the rest of them. You are awesome!!!!