Saturday, August 30, 2008

Explanation of Why I'm A Ninja Warrior Princess

So...I decided that for those of you who read my blog...which probably isn't many to tell you the should know why i'm basically a ninja warrior princess.
So once upon a time, me and my friend Sabrina were watching a movie and she was really getting on my nerves because she kept making fun of the characters because according to her, it was a sappy love movie. I happened to love this wonderful movie, and her and her big mouth kept ruining it for me.
So I went into Ninja mode.
But while I was being a ninja...I hyperextended my elbow. Which is rule number one in what NOT to do while your being a ninja.
And it HURT!!!
So I basically couldn't lift anything very heavy for about two weeks. How embarassing is that.
So Sabrina decided I shoudn't be a Ninja Warrior any more, I should be a Ninja Warrior Princess because they don't have to actually fight...cause they're princesses.
So, hence, I am a Ninja Warrior Princess.
'Nuff Said


Kathleen said...

Sam...I found your blog and I LOVE IT (so far)
I am glad u r loving school! It will be dun to see how u r doing once in a while.
We have a family blog u can check our at
Love (great??) aunt oath

Mike and Noel said...

i read your blog! i love it!

kdunford said...

Some princesses fight, like Mulan. Is she a princess... anyway. You're just a wooss (is that how you spell it?) Just kidding. You'll always be a princess to me....
