Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Thoughts on Web 2.0

I really enjoy blogging, although I haven't done it in a while. It helps me to keep in touch with my family now that I've moved away and also helps me keep up on what other family members are up to when I read their blogs.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Stalking Strangers on Facebook

By the way, this is all Noel's fault. I normally am not a creeper. I am a wonderful, outstanding citizen. But Noel decided i needed to stalk a girl, we'll call her "anorixia nervosa." So now i am a bonafied stalker. All thanks to Noel.

I feel kinda like a ninja....

Cause i am one.
Ninja warrior princess.
Thats me.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wasting Time

So basically i walked all the way across campus from my room to the pe building to go to my history 1700 class and i finally finish the trecherous journey and guess what. The class is canceled. BUMMER!!!

So i didn't want to walk all the way back to my room, so here i am in the library. Wasting time.

All of my classes today have been kind of pointless. I went to my Human Bio class, expecting a quiz like he told us, only to show up and have him tell us that he decided to postpone it until friday. Which is a good and bad thing i guess. Good because i get more time to study. Bad because I spent a butt load of time yesterday studying for it.

Then i went to my photography class, which usually i love. But today we were in our critique groups and we just walked around the centrum and took pictures. Boring. All there is in there to take pictures of is doors to classrooms. BLAH. And my camera is being really gay lately, which is slightly irritating. Well, a lot irritating. I just really need a new camera.

Then this class gets canceled. like i said, bummer.

So this week is Greek Week, which so far has been very much fun. Yesterday night was a mixer with all the greeks and it was a lot of fun, although not very many people other than greeks showed up. Tonight is the greek olympics, which i'm very excited about. We got these super cute shirts for them too, which is always a bonus.

Next week is informal rush week, which i'm a little nervous for becuase i've never rushed a girl before, so hopefully i do good. it should be really fun though!

Lately it has been really good weather in Cedar City, which i have definately loved because i do NOT like the snow. But today, i walked outside and it looks like its going to snow!!!! AHHHH. I don't want it to snow again. My mind had just accepted the fact that it was sunny, and now i have to convince it that snow is coming agagin. My mind does not like to be reconvinced.

Its ok though because one of my spring semester goals is to build an igloo.

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities